created: 19 04 2019; modified: 10 01 2024

Purana Purusha: Yogiraj Sri Shama Churn Lahiree


Every Kriyaban independent from his/her lineage find insights reading this book. Lots of paragraph (transliterated) have been taken directly from Shama Churn diaries and memories are reported as it is. I appreciate also the glossary, really well detailed. A true teaching in my humble opinion, even if sometimes it differs from my previous beliefs and precepts. You should be as much as possible open minded to changes and you should evaluate them deeply with your inner Self. Personally, while reading this book, I have done some changes to my sadhana. I write here some of the phrases that catch my attention:

General topics

Who must practice yogasadhana

Sadhana hints

About God


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