Every Kriyaban independent from his/her lineage find insights reading this
book. Lots of paragraph (transliterated) have been taken directly from Shama
Churn diaries and memories are reported as it is. I appreciate also the
glossary, really well detailed. A true teaching in my humble opinion, even if
sometimes it differs from my previous beliefs and precepts. You should be as
much as possible open minded to changes and you should evaluate them deeply with
your inner Self. Personally, while reading this book, I have done some changes
to my sadhana. I write here some of the phrases that catch my attention:
General topics
Kriyayoga is absolutely scientific.
Everyone should receive education.
Obeisance by touching His feet was not preferred by Him.
Still your mind by doing PranaKarma.
Parents are great gurus, they are worthy of reverence.
Merely try to know yourself, that is sadhana. Knowing oneself in this manner
is the ultimate and supreme fulfillment of human life.
Everything in the universe is existent in this body.
What occurs mentally occurs physically also, when the mental illusion is
removed, the physical illusion will gradually be removed.
Ten types of Anahata sound can be heard: chirr, continuous chirr, small bell,
conch, lute, rhythm, snake-chamber-s flute, wooden tom-tom, concerted drum
music, prolonged bell.
Perception is in accordance with mental disposition.
The kinetic mind has to be reposed in the triangle within Kutastha. The mind
has to be mounted on the AjnaCakra, then rotated from right to left. An
extremely minute mustard seed-like dot could be envisioned within that
Regarding the offering of the mind, the tenth chapter of Srimadbhagavata has a
remarkable narrative. While visiting Bhagavan Krishna, the gopinis desired to
take some offerings along with them. But what offering should they take? He
possesses everything. The gopinis contemplated that they have to offer Him
such an object which He did not possess. Eventually, they discovered that
Bhagavan has everything excepting the mind, which they possessed in abundance.
Therefore they offered their minds completely to Bhagavan.
White does not pertain to the category of colour. It infers neutrality.
Sun and Moon merged into one.
All the forms which can be visualized while practicing Kriya, what those forms
are, from where they emanate and in what manner they can be visualized, all
these thoughts give rise to malice and for visualizing this attachment
evolves. A perceptible object is destructible. Kriya’s transcendental state
which is beyond the Brahma Who exists within all shapes in the form of anu, is
the knowledge of essence.
If the present does not exist, past and future also do not exist. Therefore
the past and future subsist on the present. Abandoning the present does not
bring forth direct perception. The direct perception is within the fold of
time; without time there cannot be direct perception. When direct perception
occurs, then present exists, thus due to dearth of the present or of time,
direct perception becomes a non-entity.
Recollection is not possible without symptoms, because it is
The essence of Kutastha is soul, soul’s essence in turn is the mind and mind’s
essence is the senses.
Any visualization infers attachment. Even in the visualization of Bhagavan
Krishna attachment is inherent but in the non-visualization detachment
Applying deceitful stratagem all material benefits can be acquired, but not
None is a sinner or a saint.
Who must practice yogasadhana
Material world cannot be renounced. Sadhana is not for renouncers only.
Sadhana has to be practiced and at the same time you have to earn your
livelihood. It is improper to depend upon someone for your subsistence. You
should maintain your family yourself.
There is no impediment to practice the yogasadhana for men belonging to any
religion or for those adhering to any doctrine. The same soul prevails in all
living beings. Therefore there is no impediment for practicing Atmasadhana.
Since everything originates from Brahma everyone can be termed as Brahmin.
Soul-introspection is the principal aim of life, and every sadhaka of the
world, without exception can do it.
Shama Churn illustrate how man though by remaining in the vortex of material
actions can direct his life towards the exalted ideals of the spiritual world
and gradually reach the pinnacle of spiritualism. He merely did not stop at
expressing these ideals verbally to everyone but completely executing this in
His Own life, He set an example.
He would remark that the two requisites to practice this immortal
yogasadhana are a human body and a true desire.
None is sinful or sinless. Everyone is equal. Since everyone is the son of
God, everyone has the right to practice sadhana.
Sadhana hints
Five to six hours of sleep regularly is a must.
Pure food, easily digestible.
No bathe at dawn.
Not undertake a rigorous fast.
Not be awake till very late at night.
Do not practice Kriya when there is thunders.
Kriya in the morning annihilates the sins of the night and Kriya in the
evening annihilates the sins of the day.
Women should not practice kriya during menstruation.
Impart Kriya to married couples together.
It is better to practice Atmasadhana a couple of hours before dawn, for during
this period nature being calm.
There is no rule pertaining to direction, place and time for practice kriya.
Sambhavi mudra, Kechari Mudra, Omkara kriya and Kevala Kumbhaka are the main
things to do. Kumbhaka will result autonomously, do not strive for it. If the
two actions of recaka and puraka are internally practiced, an automatic
kumbhaka will result.
Idol-worship was never practiced by Shama Churn.
He would ask people to abide by their respective faiths, would impart afflatus
to them and advise them to practice yogasadhana.
There is no need to take a photograph (of a guru). Otherwise in the future you
could abandon sadhana and start worshiping the photograph and you shouldn’t.
Yogiraj Himself would never do japa of any names or mantras and would not
impart these to His devotees. He was never noticed to have observed fasting or
performed gross worship. He would fast once in a year on Sivaratri day.
Where a devoted disciple’s ritual practice ends, a yogi’s spiritual practice
Undertaking external pilgrimages does not cause soul-attainment. Until you are
aware about the soul-pilgrimage, you cannot attain salvation.
Not practicing sadhana of any god separately, but by firmly existing in the
fundamental soul-essence, all the deities have been effected to be in His
About God
God is not an Object or Someone Who has descended from the sky, God is a state
of being.
There is only One Who can give and He gives through the medium of someone.
Name and form belong to the body or any object, by what name will you invoke
God? He is beyond name and form. Who else is nearer to you than Him? He dwells
within you, therefore how can you loudly invoke Him? Does any person call
himself by his own name? It is not necessary.
Someone exists within you, repeatedly invoke Him.
A devotee prayed Shama Churn asking “What is God?”, Yogiraj enlightened thus
“Do you know Who God is? The power by which you asked ‘What is God’”.