created: 05 10 2017; modified: 10 01 2024

The Outer Limits of Reason


The Outer Limits of Reason is as far as I remember one of the best research essay that I have read so far. I definitely recommend the book to all inquiring minds around and to anyone who is too much confident about him/her-self knowledge.

Noson S. Yanofsky confirmed his knowledge page by page and with astonishing clarity explain hard topic such as Chaos, Relativity Theory and Quantum Mechanics. As a graduate student of Computer Science and Engineering I have found really well written explanations about theoretical computer science. Not for nothing Yanofsky is Professor in the Department of Computer and Information Science at Brooklyn College and The Graduate Center of the City University of New York.


Winner, 2013 American Publishers Award for Professional and Scholarly Excellence (PROSE Award) in Popular Science & Popular Mathematics, presented by the Professional and Scholarly Publishing Division of the Association of American Publishers


Science is a human activity. It is created by finite, flawed human beings attempting to search for the ultimate truth.

The mathematics becomes abstract and about nothing in particular. Because these concepts are about nothing, they are about everything.

Rather than asking why the laws of physics follow mathematics, ask why there are any laws at all.

When we talk about the limits of scientific reasoning, we must keep in mind how we are observing the universe…the way we look at the universe is the way it will present itself to us.

Do not mistake the metaphor for reality.

SPOILER: Yanofsky conclusion thought

We human beings already live beyond reason. Real life has importance only when it includes ethics, values, and beauty. Reason is a powerful but nevertheless limited tool.

Table Of Contents


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