Imagine yourself to be the spaciousness in the room you sit, instead of the object, your body. Then go within and be the spaciousness that sits within you, instead of the subtle objects, which are the thoughts and emotions of personal identity.
new perceptions and beliefs can become another cloud over the true nature if they become concepts about how things ought to be. In time, as the phenomena fade, the mind and emotions can react with a sense of loss, and many old conditioned patterns may return.
development of a flexible mind, not so set in its ways, and willing to surrender itself into the unknown. We must trust emptiness when we encounter it.
There is a quality called transmission that is not about the movement of energy so much as the resonance of pure consciousness, from itself to itself. That is, the consciousness that knows itself in the teacher, also knows itself as the other, you. It makes no distinction. To be seen this way through the body of an apparent “other” puts one at the threshold of realization.
your true Self, which doesn’t want anything, ever. It can enjoy whatever is available, but it has no demands! You have a choice, you can suffer the wanting, or you can be free. This is the essence of surrender, to let go of wanting, to let go of the me.
each movement of believing in thought is a movement away from the moment, where there is clarity and simple presence. When a condition is directly in front of you that obviously needs attention you are free to respond spontaneously and creatively.
You have to be very alert, or else your mind will play false with you. It is like watching a thief – not that you expect anything from a thief, but you do not want to be robbed. In the same way you give a lot of attention to the mind without expecting anything from it.” (Nisardagatta Maharaj (1994). I Am That, Acorn
“The key is always bringing what’s unconscious into consciousness. I suggest that people who have something they cannot get beyond go home and write down everything it believes until its exhausted itself.
To embody it is the practice.”
it is best not to be attached to them, not to re-identify as the person with these skills, and to hold them lightly with wonder and gratitude rather than passion. If no “powers” emerge this is not a sign of a lack in your awakening.
whatever he needs to know is there when he needs it, but not a moment before.
You simply become willing to live in the unknown, and listen to your deepest inclinations.
“Whenever you see a great darkness, you can be certain at the core is a great light.”
We need to know in our cells what it means, personally and individually, one by one, for the use of the Whole.
Our purpose exists in the moment, rather than the future.