created: 06 09 2022; modified: 10 01 2024


Behind the Veil: The Complete Guide to Conscious Sleep

If you’re exercising Body, Mind, and Soul, you’re a complete human being; and as long as you’re capable of smoothly transitioning from your Gross to Subtle to Causal Bodies you’re a Veiler!

(Delta). However, it’s possible, and even easy after a while, to remain alert even in this state of deep dreamless sleep. The Vedantists refer to this state as Turiya.

one of the most potent techniques for inducing Lucidity is to imagine yourself at a point in space opposite that of your sleeping body (“Phasing”).

our overall consciousness is like the sky in which the changing weather occurs. The problem is that we tend to identify with the changing weather and forget that we’re the unchanged sky.

it ceases to be something that you do and becomes something that you are.

One of the functions of dreaming is to inform the conscious mind of important issues happening below the threshold of awareness.

“predicting the future” is just an expanded view of the present moment.

take note of what you feel more than what you think about what you feel.

What you’re driven to do versus how you believe you should conduct yourself is a source of tremendous waste of psychic energy. There’s a lot of truth in that old saying of Jesus: “If thine eye be single then thy whole body shall be filled with light.”

fear is just a mask worn by wonder to test your readiness to enjoy her.

you must pass through the Dream Plane to get to the Astral Plane. You’re making these transitions consciously and are therefore exposed to the phenomena of these liminal states.

Unless you rewire yourself to make it happen, you won’t succeed.

Like all trauma, one may sincerely wish to gain or regain access to the subtle-realms, but the reaction of fear can be so primal and visceral that any behind the Veil encounter is reflexively rejected by the very core of one’s self. Neurons that fire together wire together.

The ability to remain conscious throughout the sleep cycle holds the key to all the treasures hidden behind the Veil!

Huperzine before bedtime.

Mugwort or Calea Zacatechichi just before bed can be an incredibly powerful OOBE

Another great exercise for increasing memory requires nothing more than a rubber band and a commitment to practice. Place a rubber band on the wrist of your non-dominant hand. Next, choose a thought, word, or behavior that you tend to employ often, and make a mental note that you’ll avoid saying, thinking, or doing the chosen thing. Now, every time you slip, sharply snap the rubber band on your wrist. Not too hard! We’re not trying to punish ourselves. Rather, the goal here is to use this biofeedback device to encourage vigilance of mind. I’ve used this method for years and I promise that it works wonders!

mentally retrace your steps in reverse, starting with putting away the groceries and ending with the trip to the store. It’s important to imagine as vividly as possible and to include all five senses in the visualization.

while still lying in bed, gently turn your thoughts toward the prior night’s dreams. Please note the word “gently”! Dreams are composed of Etheric energy. Like all Etheric energy, if you become aggressive or tense, it will stagnate and prevent Dream Recall. Lastly, get out of bed gracefully with your mind still on last night’s dreams, and sit down comfortably with your journal.

No detail is too small or insignificant that it shouldn’t be included in your journal entries. same holds true for Astral Projection.

Similarly, if you consistently tell yourself before going to sleep that you must remain Lucid in your dreams, then you’ll eventually succeed in doing so. The same holds true for Astral Projection. It’s your consistent and firm intention to step behind the Veil that unlocks the mysteries behind the it!

Zazen is usually translated as “sitting for Zen.” What exactly is Zen? Well, to put it plainly, Zen is the state where there’s no separation between what you’re doing, what you want to be doing, and who and where you are.

The state of Trance is like a flame of attention burning in a windless room.

intention isn’t the same thing as effort. An intention carries its own energy, and that energy has a movement all its own. Effort, on the other hand, is a form of tension. Obviously, there’s a place where effort is needed, but when it comes to attaining Trance, manipulating Qi, or going Astral, effort only gets in the way.

notice that you’re not your thoughts. Rather, you’re the space in which thoughts are arising.

the state of Trance is just deep dreamless sleep, but with one major exception: You’re aware! The Indian Sage, Ramana Maharshi, used to say of the search for the true Self that if it’s not present in deep dreamless sleep then it’s not real.

first learn to have a complete in the body experience.

Your Astral Body is intimately connected with your emotions.

Channeling Intensity could rightly be called the art of just feeling.

start by being vigilant and alert to yourself, particularly to your feeling self. I don’t just mean your emotions, but all your feeling.

Next, don’t criticize, censor, or otherwise label what you’re feeling. Just allow it to be fully present without any preconceived idea of what you should or shouldn’t be feeling and how it should be dealt with. Also, notice your knee-jerk reactions to your feelings. Notice the almost instantaneous desire to repress, blame, express, hide, or excuse what you’re feeling. Simply let all of those reactions flower and self-liberate in your inner space. Metaphorically speaking, this is how you take the base lead of raw emotion and turn it into the gold of refined awareness.

more space between you and this energy.


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