created: 26 07 2022; modified: 10 01 2024


Living with Kundalini: The Autobiography of Gopi Krishna

healthy natural life was not an obstacle in the attainment of a more evolved consciousness. What proved of inestimable value in the ordeals I had to face was the habit of moderation I had cultivated and also the fair degree of control I could exercise over myself

Pranayama (regulation of the breath), which is an indispensable adjunct of hatha yoga, proves effective in the awakening of kundalini because of the physiological factors involved. The intensely sustained effort of the will needed to hold the breath beyond the normal duration, in opposition to the usual nerve impulses and the movement of the lungs can, with repeated practice, create such an impact on the command center in the brain that the paranormal chamber is forced to open.

Pranayama helps in the awakening of kundalini because it stirs up the entire nervous system and forces it to the activity necessary for production of an enhanced supply of the pranic fuel to the brain.

The ascent of the kundalini force or, in other words, the gross pranic essence, is almost always attended by flashes of light in the brain and a peculiar blend of sounds in the ears.

intensity of concentration, exercised for many years, had slowly stimulated to activity a small area in the brain directly above the palate and below the crown of the head.


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