created: 13 04 2022; modified: 10 01 2024


The Dao in Action, Inspired Tales for Life (Yang Jwing-Ming)


“You see! Learning gongfu is the same. Looking is not as real as feeling. And feeling is still not good enough to become an expert. To be an expert, you must know how to create instead of just learning and selling. The art is alive and created from deep feeling. If the feeling of creation is shallow, the art created will also be shallow.”

“If ten fingers grab one thing, you will have it for sure. If ten fingers grab two things, you may have it. However, if ten fingers tried to grab ten things, you will lose everything.”

gongfu just means energy (gong) and time (fu). Anything that needs a lot of time, energy, and patience to do well is gongfu.

“When the goal is achieved, it is wise to retire”

One of the crucial keys to success is persistence. When you have a strong will, confidence, and persistence, you surely will be successful.

If you want a calm and peaceful life, you have to understand you get what you deserve.

The crucial key to success is not how smart you are but your level of self-discipline. Those who have discipline can accomplish any task they face.

A wise man learns from the past, proceeds carefully in the present, and thinks calmly about the future.

Many of our tasks must be accomplished slowly and gradually and require patience to finish.

“A wise man knows how to pick up and also how to drop it.”

There are many ways to experience and understand the meaning of life. This is how the spirit grows. It does not matter what you are learning and perfecting; as long as you continue to try hard and have patience, you will soon reach a high level where few can match you. Through this self-conquering process, your spirit will grow. Once you have reached spiritual enlightenment, all of the skills you have mastered will become empty. My White Crane master always said, “Your self is the biggest enemy of you. If you can conquer your self, you will conquer any difficulty in front of you.”

Often we are interested in many things, but our time is limited. If we spend all our time pursuing all the interests we have, we will not accomplish much. Everything we learn will remain shallow. Therefore, once you have chosen the one thing you are really interested in, you should stay on it and achieve the final goal you have set.

“Those who are satisfied are always happy” (知足常樂).

Sometimes we see something that bothers us and affects us deeply. Later, we may realize it was only our imagination.

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