created: 06 09 2017; modified: 10 01 2024


Your Move: The Underdog’s Guide to Building Your Business (Sethi, Ramit)

if you create value for others, they’ll happily pay for it.

There are a million different ways to approach any topic. The key is: Instead of focusing on the competition, focus on your audience. Who is your audience, and what do they want that they are not being served right now?

Be different to be better. Don’t be different for the sake of being different

If you are solving a problem that’s important to people, AND if you have the credibility so that they believe you can solve it, then price becomes a mere triviality.

To sell, you need to know four key things about your customers: their hopes, dreams, pain points, and fears.

If you can’t think of anyone to talk to, look for Facebook groups that match your target audience. Then reach out to people in those groups to ask about chatting with them.

It’s the psychology that separates the winners from everyone else.

“Thank you for dressing up in a suit and thank you for being professional.”

I’m polite but firm. I’m communicating my value. That’s professionalism

that first meeting is as little about me as possible. I want to learn from them.

Instead, it’s about showing what you can offer them, not asking for anything, and building a relationship.

attracting a mentor.

I thought I couldn’t go on, and I was getting ready to quit, but instead of letting me quit or even coast, my coach pushed me to do even more.

It made me think about how easy it is to quit — and how rare it is to find someone who’ll push you harder than you even thought was possible.

You’re capable of 20 times what you think you are.”

“Everything is figure-out-able.”

With each step, your confidence builds, slowly creating powerful, unshakable confidence.

“failing forward,” because each failure propels your business another step ahead, until it’s inevitable that you become successful.

I strongly recommend you set a tiny, realistic goal for the day. When you achieve it, then move on to the next tiny, realistic goal. Your business is going to see better results from taking action on small goals then dreaming about unrealistic big goals that you never achieve.

nobody cares what you did. They only care what you’re doing.”

Then we look at the other entrepreneurs around us and use them for support. We ask for help. We ask excellent questions. And together, we all grow.

All he cares about is the solution that you can offer him.


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