Stop eat before being full.
Fasting is a good habit. Do not eat few and often. Stomach needs to rest.
Eat until 3/4 full.
People can live eating 1/4, with other 3/4 live doctors.
TRF (Time Restricted Feeding) is lowering by 30% Kcal income per meal.
Fast 2 or 3 times a week. It is considered fasting:
Have a bit of hungry is good, our body produces an hormone called Ghrelin. Ghrelin gene products have several actions on acute and chronic inflammation and autoimmunity.
Best breakfast time slot is between 7am to 9am
Buckwheat can be used to make cornmeal mush
Rye has lower glycemic load
Soybean has more proteins than parmigiano
Legumes raise HDL levels, you must eat them at least 2 or 4 times a week
Raw rice and lentils is a balance dish
Use malts and almond/hazelnut/sesame cremes together. Malts have high glycemia index but do not have fructose. Eat them with healthy fat as almon/hazelnut/sesame cremes decrease glucose absorption time. It useful eat them with legumes also.
Daily salt upper bound: 2,4g
Do not give sugar (in every form) to babies until 2 years old. White sugar if possible NEVER.
Mother feeding during pregnancy will be liked to her baby too
Eat fish 1 or 2 times a week
Eat fruits or jasmine Tea as dessert
Cultivate enhance health, Okinawa people are a living example
Nan kuru nai sa - Everything will be OK
Pesco-vegetarians have much higher health levels (stats)
Calcium, tea, coffee, cocoa inhibits iron and zinc assimilation. Food with high levels of iron and zinc are grain cream, tahin, soy, azuki beans. Fermentation, sprouting and long leavening are practices that keep nutrients more assimilable
Vitamin D help calcium absorption. Calcium can be found in high quantities into turnip greens, cabbage (40-60% in comparison to only 30% in cow milk), legumes (eg: soy), figs.
In order to assimilate as much as possible nutrients from lettuce, use olive oil as dressing and add wild herbs such as lemon balm, mint, marjoram.
Pan-fry (with olive oil) vegetables in order to better assimilate carotenoids. Carotenoids: - alpha e beta carotene: green leaf or yellow vegetables - lycopene: tomatoes, peanuts - beta criptoxantina: pumpkin - lutein: cabbage - capsanthin: chili pepper, red pepper, paprika - crocin: saffron
Vegetables must be eaten both raw and cooked (pan-fry or in hot water or steamed) Pan-fry cabbage enhance his nutrients, same with onion.
Garlic is better squashed. It releases chemical nutrients as defense mechanism.
Olive oil is useful to prevent thrombosis
Almonds and hazelnuts both raw or toasted reduce LDL
“OM” vibes inhibit limbic system, it is responsible in controlling emotions
You don’t need to be in a temple or have particular things, nothing will follow you up
Yoga stages (by Patañjali):
Yoga and martial arts are good for kids:
- enhance ideas and planning
- inhibit irrelevant informations and suppress their impulses
- change and adapts behaviours
Ataraxia = imperturbable spirit
Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper.
Breakfast is for you, lunch to be shared and dinner gifted.
Fasting is the best cure, our doctor inside- Filippo Paracelso
Meditation must start with the body. The body is the vehicle of himself, you need to control it in order to really meditate - Iyengar
A life without research is a life wasted
Sky roads can be seen without looking out the windows
Only in finite is expressed infinite and in time the eternal.
Watch your thoughts, they become words; watch your words, they become actions; watch your actions, they become habits; watch your habits, they become character; watch your character, for it becomes your destiny. - Frank Outlaw
Happiness is also a way of interpreting the world, since while it may be difficult to change the world, it is always possible to change the way we look at it. - Matthieu Ricard
If something make you angry, think about what is more important: that thing or your health? In a moment, if you are wise enough, angry vanished. - Cao Tingdong
In cultivating body, mind and spirit it is necessary to keep in mind: be friendly, loyal and with broadminded. Not too much happy for praises nor too much angry for blames.